KHAMIRアンバーチャルカカラコットンカディ/Kala Cotton Yardage from Kutch O-1112/CN


* カラーまたはサイズにより価格が異なります。

* 表示価格は10cmあたりです。最小50cmから、10cm単位でお求めいただくことができます。





Kala Cotton is a native cotton to eastern region of Kutch, Gujarat.
In their local language, Kala means black.

This native cotton has been kept genetically pure therefore compared to other genetically modified and blended cotton it is less bright.

Kala Cotton is natural and organic crop, and farmers do not need to use any pesticides and synthetic fertilisers. It is a rain-fed crop therefore water efficient.
Due to the high resilience character of Kala Cotton it requires minimal attending to the field and it has high tolerance for both diseases and pests. Kala Cotton also helps with reviving thinning land.

Kala Cotton is a strong, coarse, stretchable fiber. However as it is a short fiber, fewer twists per inch of yarn can be produced. It cannot be woven with a delicate fine count fabric like Bengal muslin. Hence over time it’s use has diminished in the mainstream market.

Kala Cotton Yardage fabric warp is mill spun and the weft is ambar charka spun.
The fabric has an uneven crepe-like surface that doesn’t crease as much as a handspun and handwoven cotton fabric. Due to the uneven texture of the fabric the creases, adding character to the fabric with wave like patterns. It is a slightly loosely woven fabric which makes it soft and breathable. As it is unbleached, the fabric has a beautiful light beige shade with little blackish grains (cotton seeds and dregs) on the surface. Compared to Kala Cotton Single Charkha, Kala Cotton Yardage fabric is much lighter and softer. It is suitable to make clothing for spring/summer.

*photo by Yayoi Arimoto (page 7)

Size | サイズ

Materials | 原材料
Cotton | コットン 100%

Region of production | 生産地
Kutch, Gujarat | カッチ, グジャラート州

System of design | デザインのしくみ
By craftpersons | 職人や生産団体によるデザイン

Spinning | 糸紡ぎ
Hand spinning with ambar charka | アンバーチャルカによる手紡ぎ

Weaving | 織り
Plain weaving by hand | 手機による平織

Dye | 染め
Undyed-Natural | 無染、天然
Thread-dye with natural color | 天然染料による糸染
(インディゴ, ウィンドウチェック)

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* ソフトな薄手の生地ですが、織りは緩く、糸は太めです。モスリンのような高い密度はありません。(CALICOのうっすらカディの約5倍の糸の太さとなります。)ストールやシャツ、羽織り、ギャザーの多いものに向いています。
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